Sunday, December 9, 2012

itunes11 and ebook pdfs

So, Apple in their (in)finite wisdom made a few changes in itunes 11. Among them, something to do with pdf/ebooks and the book library.

It seems you can no longer add purchased ebooks ( at least, not sure how far down this goes ) to your library. The change occurred in the crap-tastic itunes 11.

The best part is the recommended solution: Go download/install the Kindle iOS application and use its doc sync features to sync up the pdfs.


The other odd part is that the pdf/ebooks ( from the same vendor, Manning ) which were already in my library are fine - still there and still able to read them/sync to iphone/ipad.

Apple, why have your software products taking a nose dive these last few months? Wake up!

I think Apple may be telling us to not only use other people's software but maybe even switch to their hardware?

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