Ok, so Ohio had our voting primary back in March. At the time I had not yet transfered my voter registration to the current address so they made me fill in a provisional ballot. I'm sitting there filling things out in one of the voting booth/cubicals and my phone starts ringing. Its the GF looking for me - thinking I got lost or something. The provisional ballot is actually a paper ballot which you fill in with a pencil so it took me a little longer.
By the time I got done filling it out and dropping it in the box she was standing outside the hall thinking I had managed to beat her outside - but no, I am just fucking slow :->
She poses the question: "So who did ya vote for?" - "no one" is my answer :-> It was my own polite way of saying none of your business ( even though I don't care if she knows :->, its a game - we all play games and I relish in keeping non-critical trivialities from her :-> ). She of course gets rather upset and starts the process of trying to determine who I voted for. Its so fun, she is so damned cute - oh and has little/no subtlety.
It has been about 3 months. The primaries are all but over ( http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/6/3/205916/1276/191/528667 , http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/06/03/election.democrats/index.html , http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24944453/ , http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7434791.stm ) she poses the question: "So who did ya vote for?" - did I tell her, nope :->
It is probably an understatement to say that I am a liberally minded individual. I don't call myself a democrat nor any of: Republican, Libertarian, Socialist, Green Party - or any other political association. I think the idea of political parties have become something of a problem in our culture. Political parties have turned into a fairly divisional entity. If you are Pro-Christian, Pro-Gun, Pro-Capitalism then your party seems to be the Republican party. If you are pro-Environment, "Anti-Christian", "Anti-Gun", "Anti-Family" ( as some would call it - grossly over-simplified I admit ) then you are one of Democrat, Libartarian, Green party etc. We seek to classify far too much.
I think that generally speaking, assigning ones self to a given political group in a way means you volunteer yourself to also get behind an array of ideologies which may or may not be of your own mind-set.
Heh - wonder if she will ever figure out who I voted for anyway. Some day I suppose I may tell her but we'll see.
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