Saturday, December 29, 2012

sensor monitoring with arduino and raspberry pi

Thought I would change my experiment a little bit. Previously I had grabbed the DHT22 from Adafruit and hooked it up to my raspberry pi. This worked fairly well and with some modifications to their driver code I was getting fairly reasonable stats albeit running in to a minor driver issue ( getting stuck in an unbounded loop )

In the mean time I've been thinking about how I would want to handle my remote temp/humidity sensors project. The main idea so far is to put a sensor in every room and aggregate the data in to graphite ( via collectd ). The cost of the sensor plus the heft of the full linux box for a simple little sensor started bugging me - the sensor side of things is actually better off running on something like an Arduino - its very low power, commonly available and flexible enough to do what I want in the long run. Sadly, for the price/power ( cpu/memory ) the difference in price is kinda off but the platforms really are rather different.

I probably went overkill on the arduino side - picked up an R3 Mega - an Uno or maybe even the Micro may be better suited but I grabbed the Mega as I have other projects in mind for the future and thought I'd get this instead.

Adafruit has another tutorial for the same sensor but on an Arduino including a driver ( and looking at the source, I think their pi version was based off of this code ). Setting it up on the arduino was surprisingly very very easy!

The idea is to read the sensor metrics via serial ( eventually switching to XBee for RF/wireless <=> serial. For now, I'm just using jumper wires from the Mega in to the serial port of the pi ( Serial1 on the Mega )

I found a few interesting things:

  1. The does not block as I thought it would/should
    • Idea was to control the collectd Interval from the exec/c code - can't do that ( at least not yet )
  2. Even though I don't do a Serial.setup() trying to write to Serial1 blocks unless I have a usb connection from the hub ( which is powering the Mega ) to some system. Not sure what that is about
The driver code is fairly simple. Basically just a very slightly modified print statement to only print the temp/humidity over the serial port. On the pi I have a little ruby script exec'd by collectd which is in a read loop and ( admittedly rather blindly ) spits out the values:

while 1
  stats = sp.gets.chomp.split()
  if stats.size > 1
    temp_c   = stats[1]
    temp_f   = ( temp_c.to_f * 9 / 5 ) + 32
    humidity = stats[0]

    puts "PUTVAL \"#{hostname}/sensor-basement/gauge-tempc\" interval=10 N:#{temp_c}"
    puts "PUTVAL \"#{hostname}/sensor-basement/gauge-tempf\" interval=10 N:#{temp_f}"
    puts "PUTVAL \"#{hostname}/sensor-basement/gauge-humidity\" interval=10 N:#{humidity}"

So fairly simple and like I said, its rather blind but I control the input to some degree and collectd will whine if the data is not normalized

Next step is to see if I can find/assemble the right sized arduino/case and find a way to get a connector for the sensor so I can swap it out ( and not get funky/false readings ) and get some of the XBee chips to play with.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

puppet on the pi

Well, a follow-up of sorts on the raspberry pi and puppet posting from a while back

Thought I would post the code up on my github account,

Tried rebuilding from a fresh image. Other than burning a lot of cpu time on puppet installation itself ( think I have a fix for this one, don't generate rdoc/ri ) the fresh install to a running pi where I essentially want it. Everything worked fine except for the fimware/boot rom update which is just another git clone/copy.

itunes11 and ebook pdfs

So, Apple in their (in)finite wisdom made a few changes in itunes 11. Among them, something to do with pdf/ebooks and the book library.

It seems you can no longer add purchased ebooks ( at least, not sure how far down this goes ) to your library. The change occurred in the crap-tastic itunes 11.

The best part is the recommended solution: Go download/install the Kindle iOS application and use its doc sync features to sync up the pdfs.


The other odd part is that the pdf/ebooks ( from the same vendor, Manning ) which were already in my library are fine - still there and still able to read them/sync to iphone/ipad.

Apple, why have your software products taking a nose dive these last few months? Wake up!

I think Apple may be telling us to not only use other people's software but maybe even switch to their hardware?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Raspberry pi puppet

So, I decided I really wanted to have an easy way to get my raspberry pi images to a somewhat sane state but I did not really want to write shell scripts to do this.

I've been using puppet at work for over a year now and its pretty simple really - most of the time I spend on puppet configs is debugging various isms ( like, for an ssh authorized keys manipulation, you can't throw an array to user :-< )

Planning to test out my image process soon-ish. Still need to get mcollective working properly - think its about the last module still erroring out on me.

So far, I have:

  1. ssh configuration
  2. various package installations
    • rasp-config, ruby-shadow, python-pip, ruby-dev
    • ruby packages: builder ( for gem installs ), wiringpi
    • pip ( python ) package rpi.gpio
  3. rsync backup, just a simple backup to my fileserver
  4. /boot/config.txt so I can preserve any modifications I may want
  5. locales config
  6. user maint, putting my ssh key in place, forcing pi's password to be maintained/not raspberry
  7. automate git clone of remote repos
    ( So I don't have to remember to do those by hand though updates/pull will be manual )
Only down side is that I'll still need a bootstrap script to put a few packages on the box - puppet/facter gems and puppet.conf, then I should just need to run puppet agent and everything should magically appear

I may upload the puppet configs to github but most of the configurations are going to be local

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

puppetlabs dist for arm

W: Failed to fetch  Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-armhf/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)

Bummer! I guess I can't use the puppet dist from puppet labs directly :-< May be worth the time to compile/install manually but for now - meh :->

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Raspberry Pi 512m model ram

So this is interesting, by default ( at least with AdaFruit's occidentalis 0.2, ) I was only seeing the first 256m of the ram.

Looking at the documentation it looks like a simple modification to /boot/config.txt addressed the issue:


pi@raspberrypi ~ $ free -m

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           486         56        429          0          9         28
-/+ buffers/cache:         18        467
Swap:           99          0         99

It looks like the kernel actually took 16 meg instead of 8 like I wanted but I'll take it :-> I'm logging in only via ssh so I don't see a reason to waste memory on video output.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I can haz pi!

Well, got my raspberry pi this afternoon. Thankfully, I ordered it before the hurricane hit!

So far, I've almost managed to fry it - off by a pin or two oops!

Oct 30 14:44:31 foo kernel[0]: USB Notification:  The device "XHCI Root Hub USB 2.0 Simulation" @ 0x14000000 has caused an overcurrent condition.  The hub it is attached to has been disabled

Thankfully, apple put in a safeguard to prevent mishaps like that from frying your stuff - at least I hope. I need to check the pi board, now if I can just get the tx/rx of the console cable going :->

Friday, October 12, 2012

Thought on technical documentation

Had an interesting IM exchange with a co-worker:

me: Where is the documentation describing how to get the uid of a server?
co-worker: I emailed it to you
me: Just a thought but email does not count as documentation. Does this exist anywhere in a doc or maybe as a puppet fact?

My co-worker has yet to respond and its been about 15 minutes.

This does raise a very interesting issue. Documentation is very important and it should be in a common location. To me, email just is not documentation - its a heads-up but not documentation.

Am I crazy that I don't like email? In fact, I actually hate it. Its a "necessary evil" but that does not mean someone can send me something and expect that I have added it to my ubermind and will hoard that data away somewhere for eternity including instant recall.

Especially when the way to find out is so freaking simple it should be made in to a puppet fact and culled in to puppet's inventory service ( and/or )

ipmitool -H ipmi_host -U ipmi_user -P ipmi_pass fru | grep 'Board Serial' | awk '{print $4}'

( obviously, those are changed values - use your imagination :-> )

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Political donations and effectiveness


I had an interesting thought a few minutes ago regarding an email. This email was requesting a donation towards a given candidate to essentially help throw more advertising up.

So, my question is - just how much benefit do these ads get? I'm sure there is a way to calculate a return on investment somehow right?

Besides that, I think at this point in the elections damn-near everyone knows who they are going to vote for. So really, these donations and ads are for the people who don't yet know who they want to vote for on a given spot. The cost/benefit just seems ... kinda crazy.

Our politicians are spending a large fortune to get/stay in office - OUR money that is. ( our meaning any donations, not public funds of course - that would be illegal :-> )

Something I've griped about for some time while I'm at it. We need term limits on ( all of ) our federal and state positions. No more career politicians - people should jump in to politics for a while and then get on with the rest of their life.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Slow TimeMachine backups on osx lion

So, approx 2 months ago I upgraded my laptop to lion. My backups became noticeably slower - they were slow has hell before but in 10.7 they were just unbelievable. Think system lagging to the point of unusable - that slow or worse.

I did find a good solution: Disable spotlight services.

sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

Considering I never use spotlight to find anything, its just wasted cpu cycles anyway.

My backups now take a small fraction of the time they used to take - few minutes at a time unless I pulled down something big ( think os patches or something )

My laptop ( 2008 macbook pro ) is now usable though I think I'm going to need to replace the fans and am considering replacing the hard drive since its about 5 years old already. Hmmm, ssd? or maybe one of the intel drives but I'm thinking of just saving the $400 or so.